Home Ranch News Two break & enters in Perth East

Two break & enters in Perth East

Police remind the public to keep their cars locked at all times


Perth County OPP are reminding the public to keep their vehicles locked at all times. This after 2 residences were victim to break and enters last week and both are on the same road in the Township of Perth East.

On November 30th just around 5:30 am officers received the first report of a break and enter that had occurred at a residence on Road 145. Suspects entered a garage overnight and rummaged through a vehicle. Money and bank cards were stolen.

Further shortly after 8 am the same morning officers received a second report of a break and enter on the same road. A garage was entered and a variety of items including a GPS, sunglasses, motorcycle helmets and money was stolen.

Anyone with info regardign this or any incident is asked to call the OPP at 1-888-310-1122 or online at www.opp.ca/reporting.