Home Ranch News Town of Minto Updates Municipal Election Area of Their Site with Latest...

Town of Minto Updates Municipal Election Area of Their Site with Latest Information

Changes pertain to latest information on upcoming 2022 Municipal Election with topics including Why a Resident should Vote, Am I on the Voters List, When and How You Vote and Information on Candidates, Their Advertising and where to expect the results on election night.


The Town of Minto announced late this morning that they had launched a major update to the Municipality’s website for this year.

The changes pertain to the latest information on the upcoming 2022 Municipal Election.

To review the new information and see how it pertains to you just visit town.minto.on.ca and click on 2022 Municipal Election.

Topics include Why a Resident should Vote, Am I on the Voters List, When and How You Vote and Information on Candidates, Their Advertising and where to expect the results on election night.