Home Ranch News Town of Minto announces results of #YearoftheGarden #GardenoftheYear Contest

Town of Minto announces results of #YearoftheGarden #GardenoftheYear Contest

Winners announced were the Hale family for Overall Garden, the Kramer family as runner up, The Lines Family for People's Choice and Best Canadian Feature went to Mary Rae.


The Town of Minto, the Harriston & District and Clifford & District Horticultural Societies took to social media this afternoon to announce the results of the recently held Year of the Garden Contest.

The winners announced include the Hale family for Overall Garden, with the Kramer family announced as the runner up.

In People’s Choice category the Lines Family came out victorious with the Best Canadian Feature going to Mary Rae.

The Town congratulated all of the winners and added they enjoyed viewing each of your unique & wonderful gardens and thanked them for opening their garden gates to them this season.

The Town closed by thanking Ben Cullen, Year of the Garden Representative, who too the time to judge their local contest.

They also thanked all residents that took the time to showcase their beautiful homes.