Home Ranch News Today is World Suicide Prevention Day

Today is World Suicide Prevention Day

Each year 160 million people worldwide contemplate suicide and unfortunately 800,000 die by suicide


With this being World Suicide Prevention day, the Canadian Association of Suicide Prevention hosted a virtual online event in both english and french entitled “Creating Hope Through Action”.

Each year 160 million people worldwide contemplate suicide and tragically 800,000 of them die by suicide.

The awareness event for the day featured presentations by a panels sharing their experiences of suicide-related behaviors and actions and what was and wasn’t supportive during this time.

Following their presentation there was a q & a where participants will answer questions from viewers.

Everyone is encouraged to participate in the Candle Vigil and place a lit candle in their window (or electronic if not able to place lit) at 8pm.

The toolkit for the day is available at the link below.
