Home Ranch News This is Home Campaign Expands for 2023

This is Home Campaign Expands for 2023


Andrea Charest will once again is braving the elements outside for the This is Home campaign.

The goal as usual is to spend 24 hours outside, raising funds and awareness to address homelessness and issues which leads to homelessness but this time spending it at the Legion parking lot.

Going on March 25th from 8am-8am is expanding this year as Andrea is encouraging everyone to get involved.

“This year the format is different so we’ve opened it up to teams in the community and the reason we’ve done that is we see the need to engage people. If we’re going to affect change and awareness and help people see we aren’t so different we really wanted to engage more” said Charest.

In years past, fundraising has exploded their goal, in 2021 a $2400 hit over $24,000 and in 2022 saw over $10,500 raised.