Home Ranch News There are 5 new cases of Covid 19 in Huron Perth

There are 5 new cases of Covid 19 in Huron Perth

Medical Officer of Health doesn't support moving to Red Classification


Huron Perth Public Health did their daily update on the status of Covid 19 in the area. There are 5 new confirmed cases of the coronavirus in the region with 1 new death. The decedent was a resident from Cedarcroft Place in Stratford. The five new cases are located in North Perth. One case from yesterday was reassigned to another health unit. Active cases sit at 34 in the region down 15 from yesterday. The outbreak at the Medicine Unit at Stratford Hospital is now at 7 staff. The outbreak at Seaforth Manor in Huron East has been declared over.

Chief Medical Officer of Health Miriam Klassen says that with the current numbers the area is seeing that she is not supporting moving the region into red.

“Our data had been improving. Our numbers are consistent with orange. My concerns is moving to the red level may impact those places I’m not seeing transmission happen in Huron Perth”

Wellington County reported 2 new cases of Covid-19 in their area with 1 new recovery. Active cases now sit at 25.

Ontario reported a record high number of Cases of Covid 19 in the province. 19 hundred and 83 people were diagnosed with the coronavirus on testing of nearly 62 thousand people. The hotspot regions of Peel Region, Toronto and York Region represented 61 percent of the new cases despite being in lockdown. The measures were scheduled to end on December 21st. Windosr-Essex, a region just moved into the red level of the Covid 19 protection framework reported 104 cases today.