Home Ranch News The Scrapbook Shop Celebrating 4 Years in Listowel

The Scrapbook Shop Celebrating 4 Years in Listowel

Sales planned for the next 4 weeks at the shop


March 1st marks a pretty significant day for The Scrapbook Shop in Listowel as it was this day in 2018 the shop was open.

The shop which offers a long range of crafting and art and fine art supplies has seen great success since being welcomed in the community.

Alana McEachern says business over the years has been great as they continue to grow.

“It’s been fantastic. We’ve been able to get word out that we are here a lot faster then we normally would have been. We’ve been able to launch our website almost a year of what we were originally planning.” said McEachern

McEachern adds to celebrate they have various sales for the month.

“Every week for the next 4 weeks we’ve got a different sale going on. To start it off its everyone’s favourite sale and our dyes are on sale. That includes dyes as well as a dye and stamp set at 25% off.” said McEachern.

The Scrapbook Shop is also holding many Midnight Crop events for the month starting this Friday and another on March 18th taking a Paddyfest theme.

To register visit the ScrapbookShop.ca