Home Ranch News Tastings on the Trail with Perth County Tourism

Tastings on the Trail with Perth County Tourism

Perth County staff will be by trail entrances with local food samples


Perth County Tourism is hosting an event on the G2G Rail Trail this Saturday.

From 8am-2pm on August 7th, Perth County staff will be along the trail entrances of Milverton, Monkton and Millbank at the Perth County Harvest Pathway section of the G2G Rail Trail handing out local food samples.

They will also have cycling promotional items and info on nearby destinations. Everyone is invited out to enjoy local tastes of Perth County and explore the vast G2G Rail Trail.

The Guelph to Goderich (G2G) trail spans a total of 132km in length. All info on Tastings on the Trail can be found from Perth County Tourism on their social media.