Home Ranch News Talks Continue on North Huron Connection Centre

Talks Continue on North Huron Connection Centre


Conversations continue to be had in regards to the North Huron Connection Centre at St Pauls Church in Wingham.

Similar to HOPE Links in North Perth, the Connection Centre offers those in need with a place to stay and enjoy a meal, take a shower and seek social services.

While progress does continue, some residents are still voicing their concerns in regards to safety.

Executive Director for United Way Perth-Huron Ryan Erb says with their similar centres of this kind, they haven’t seen any major incidents but are prepared to plan for the future.

“It has not been our experience that there have been major incidents at any of our connection centres we have in the region but nobody can predict the future. We do anticipate more information coming and we have agreed to host a meeting 3 months after the centre is in operation.” said Erb.

United Way has continued to express their interest in keeping communication with concerned residents and work with other partners such as the OPP with a security plan.

The Connection Centre is expected to open in Wingham in April.