Home Ranch News Stratford to Consider Expansion of Veteran Banners

Stratford to Consider Expansion of Veteran Banners

Request to expand veteran banners to 100 in downtown Stratford


Stratford council is considering a request given from the Stratford Perth Museum and Stratford Legion to expand on its annual Remembrance Day banner program which honours local veterans.

The request given was for a maximum of 100 banners to be placed annually on light standards in downtown across Huron and Ontario street in November leading up to Remembrance Day.

The banners honour local veterans from the first and second world wars as well as the early 20th century wars which currently has more than 30 banners hung up every year.

While no new banners will be added up this year, the hope is to have council approval so officials don’t need to constantly return to council to reapply for permits.

The request will return to council with a final decision made in their next meeting this month.