Home Ranch News Stratford, Stratford Police and HPPH issue joint statement on Planned Protest

Stratford, Stratford Police and HPPH issue joint statement on Planned Protest

No response was provided from the Protest Organizer


The City of Stratford, Stratford Police and Huron Perth Public Health issued a joint statement today re-iterating the restrictions of the stay-at-home order and offering an update on the planned protest in opposition to the measures planned for this coming weekend in the Festival City.

They say they are aware of a public assembly planned and that city and police officials have reached out to organizers to underscore the importance of respecting the order and it’s restrictions.

The Police continue to say they are following an education first approach to the emergency order, but will use enforcement when necessary to ensure the public safety.

They finish by saying their communities have worked hard to keep local case numbers as low as possible and continuing to work together is how we will get out of the Covid-19 pandemic.

No response was given in the release as to the protest organizers response.