Home Ranch News Stories of 2023: Wellington County Urban Expansion

Stories of 2023: Wellington County Urban Expansion


Back in late April and early May many local municipalities, particularity in Wellington County were far from pleased from a move from the provincial government who had extended urban boundaries into Wellington.

The plan for the extensions were for housing but what caused outrage among citizens, farmers and local councils was simply the expansion was never requested from the county nor was staff consulted or advised of the addition.

The move caused discussions in local council and among those in Rural Ontario Municipal Association or ROMA, it was more outrage.

While the province did eventually pull back on the decision which would have paved over farmland some local councils still requested their area for urban expansion still be done, seen in Clifford.

Minto Mayor Dave Turton says it made sense for them to move ahead since they already have a developer and the capacity to go ahead.