Home Ranch News Road Sign Theft Extends to Perth South With Reports Over Two Weekends

Road Sign Theft Extends to Perth South With Reports Over Two Weekends

The time of the thefts is unknown however they were discovered both two weekends ago and last weekend.


If the story feels like Groundhog Day you wouldn’t be wrong.

The Stratford Police is currently investigating the theft of numerous road signs throughout Perth South that occurred over the past two weekends.

The OPP reported similar incidents in Perth East and West Perth as well.

Stratford Police were made aware of the thefts on Monday morning after being contacted by an employee of the Municipality.

The time of the thefts is unknown however they were discovered both two weeks ago and last week on the weekend.

The signs were stolen from various locations and included road warning, speed limit and road name signs.

Police say they pose a safety risk as they are there to alert drivers of hazards on the roadway and provide direction.

Anyone with inforation on the thefts in Perth South can contact the Stratford Police Service at 519-271-4141 or anoynmously to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.