Home Ranch News Remembering Heidi Schlumpf on Her Birthday #PutaKindDeedinYourFeed

Remembering Heidi Schlumpf on Her Birthday #PutaKindDeedinYourFeed


Today marks Heidi Schlumpf’s birthday and with it brings an entire community message to #PutAKindDeedInYourFeed.

Heidi lost her life last year to breast cancer but throughout her treatment remained positive and encouraged community support to brighten up everyone’s day and help support London Health Science with Heidi’s Hope Fundraiser which brought in over $126,000.

Remo Schlumpf says on a day like today to remember Heidi, it isn’t one to grieve but to celebrate her legacy.

“It’s such a nice thing to be able to do on her birthday where it might in some situations be a sad and a hard day but for us it certainly isn’t that. It’s a celebration day, a way to feel part of something big and that feels special for sure” said Schlumpf.

Last year the entire community shined for Heidi’s birthday between food carts being set up as charity bqq’s and a slew of random acts of kindness from locals.