Home Ranch News Region Saw a Net Loss of 5600 Jobs in January with Unemployment...

Region Saw a Net Loss of 5600 Jobs in January with Unemployment rate up 1.6%

The Region saw Full-Time Losses drop 5400 and Part-Time 200. Full Time saw it's largest number of lost since the start of the Pandemic.


The Four County Labour Market Planning Board released their January 2022 report for employment in the Stratford-Bruce Peninsula Economic Region. It showed that last month the unemployment rate in the area increased by 1.6% to 4.6%.

The Provincial employment rate increased by 0.3% during the same time.

Overall the net jobs numbers saw a decrease in 5600 jobs with full-time losses sitting at 5400 and part-time at 200. The full-time losses are the largest drop since the pandemic’s start.

Employment in the service producing sector also decreased by 5100 net positions with wholesale and retail the largest area at 1900 and health care and social assistance at 1200 losses.