Home Ranch News Randy Pettapiece Delivers Tribute to Bill Adsett

Randy Pettapiece Delivers Tribute to Bill Adsett

Tribute given in the Ontario legislature


Perth-Wellington MPP Randy Pettapiece delivered his tribute while speaking in the Ontario legislature on Tuesday to former Wellington County Warden Bill Adsett who passed away earlier this month.

Pettapiece acknowledged the many things Adsett has done for the area as Warden and as a volunteer, farmer and historian.

“He brought water and sewer services, improvements to Wellington Place, a new Wellington Road 7 bridge over the Elora Gorge and renewal of the Wellington County Administrative Centre in Guelph, a project he championed from concept to completion.” said Pettapiece

Pettapiece adding Bill was an active member of the Drayton Legion, Fergus Elora Rotary Club, Guelph’s Men Club and the Trinity United Church.

Pettapiece ending by saying Wellington County and all of Ontario is better because of Adsett’s work.

Pettapiece’s full tribute can be found from the Randy Pettapiece YouTube Channel.