Home Ranch News #PutAKindDeedinYourFeed Grows Beyond Local

#PutAKindDeedinYourFeed Grows Beyond Local


Thursday saw much local love all sharing a great message of positivity.

Social media was flooded with #PutAKindDeedinYourFeed in memory of Heidi Schlumpf which saw individuals and businesses all share good deeds.

Among some include Mitch and Mama’s food cart accepting donations, random acts of kindness in support of donations for It Takes a Village as well as a BBQ at Van Allen Insurance.

While strong locally, Shane Van Allen says, the impact grew well beyond North Perth.

“Locally we knew it would be big in Listowel but then I started seeing other areas like Stratford, Waterloo and just different areas reaching out and using #PutAKindDeedinYourFeed” said Van Allen.

Heidi’s Hope Fundraiser in support of London Health Sciences Foundation continues to grow, raising over $149,000.