Home Ranch News Public Health says Managing Covid Important with Less Measures

Public Health says Managing Covid Important with Less Measures

Groups that remain at higher risk with virus including those of advanced age, in congregate settings, those with underlying health conditions, unvaccinated, and those who are marginalized.


Huron Perth Public Health issued a news release today advising that two weeks after the lifting of many public health measures, some Covid activity indicators are rising; and reminds residents to follow measures that remain in place and to. make informed decisions on managing the virus.

Dr. Miriam Klassen, Medical Officer of Health for the Region says that it was expected after the lifting of measures and they continue to monitor the situation.

They also advise that even though there is widespread immunity there are still groups that remain at higher risk of severe outcomes including those of advanced age, in congregate settings, those with underlying health conditions, unvaccinated, and those who are marginalized.

The full details of the news release are available at the link below.
