Home Ranch News Public Health Begins West Nile Vile Surveillance

Public Health Begins West Nile Vile Surveillance

Less than 5 west nile cases reported over the last 5 years


Huron-Perth Public Health has started their West Nile Virus surveillance for the year.

West Nile Virus is transmitted from infected mosquito bites. In a release, public health says many people who are infected with West Nile Virus will have mild symptoms or none at all.

Mosquitoes with West Nile Virus have been found across Huron and Perth County. Over the course of the last 5 years there have been less than 5 cases of the virus reported in humans.

Public Health says the best way to prevent West Nile Virus is stop mosquito breeding by getting rid of standing water near your home, farm and workplace at least once a week.