Home Ranch News Province releases Vaccine Passport Details

Province releases Vaccine Passport Details

Showing proof of vaccination becoming mandatory for non-essential businesses as of September 22nd


Ontario has released more information that businesses will need to know just a week before the Covid-19 vaccine passport becomes mandatory at non-essential establishments next week.

Proof of vaccination status will start on September 22nd at things such as eating indoor at restaurants and bars, to enter an exercise establishment, movie theatre, sporting venue or concert and to use large meeting or business gathering spaces.

Residents will need to either print or download their second dose receive from the Government’s Covid website until the enhanced certificate becomes available October 22nd.

Indigenous people can use a receipt signed by a Health Provider from another jurisdiction.

The new vaccination passport will not be required for children under the age of 12 who cannot yet be vaccinated.

Employees at impacted businesses are asked to math the name, date of birth that are listed on vaccination receipts to information on government issued ID.

Examples of what can be used for that include birth certificates, citizenship cards, drivers licenses or other government issued identification cards such as a health card, Indian Status Card or permanent resident card.

A photo on the ID is not required to be valid for use.