Home Ranch News Province makes Technology Credit a Requirement for Grade 9 & 10 Students

Province makes Technology Credit a Requirement for Grade 9 & 10 Students

Requirement starts in September 2024 and is being done to foster interest in Skilled Trades & increase take-up of STEM by female students.


The Provincial Government announced, through Education Minister Stephen Lecce, Associate Minister of Women’s Social and Economic Opportunities Charmain Williams and Perth-Wellington MPP Matthew Rae a new Technological Education credit requirement for Grade 9 and 10 beginning September of next year in order to receive their diploma at the end of high school.

The move is being done says MPP Rae to get more options to students sooner.

“The goal is to provide greater pathways into the skilled trades or STEM programming, and exposing those opportunities early in their educational journey.”

Another area targeted with the move says Rae is to get more girls to choose the skilled trades as a career option.

Currently 63 percent of Ontario secondary students who enroll in a Technology course back in the 2020 school year were male.