The Provincial Government announced it has introduced the “Keeping Students in Class Act” that if passed, they say ensures students remain in the classroom by imposing a four-year collective agreement with CUPE workers across Ontario.

The deal would see things such as a 2.5% salary increase for employees with a top-end salary below $43,000.

There would also be an increase in employer benefit contributions per worker of $6,120, modifications to sick leave & short-term disability that would, the government says, protect the students learning, while maintaining generous pension, benefits & sick leave programs.

The deal uses the various sections of the notwithstanding provision in order to protect it against Charter of rights legal challenges.

CUPE held a press conference this afternoon with its President Fred Hahn.

“On Friday, regardless of what this legislation says our members will be engaging in a Province wide protest. This means that no CUPE education workers will be at work. Instead we will be taking a stand for public education, for ourselves, for our future.”

The full details on the announcement of the Act are available at the link below.