Home Ranch News Province Extends Urban Boundaries in Wellington County

Province Extends Urban Boundaries in Wellington County


A unilateral change to an amendment in Wellington County’s Official Plan, seeing 1000 acres of mostly agricultural land to urban boundaries has left some local councilors, zone reps and residents confused and frustrated.

The boundary extensions were done as part of the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing’s approval of Wellington County’s Official Plan Amendment (OPA) 119.

The expansion was not requested by the county nor was staff consulted or advised of the addition. 

While its not certain what this land will be used for, many are pointing towards building more houses. It’s expected Wellington County’s population will jump by 60,000 by 2051. 

Steve McCabe the ROMA (Rural Ontario Municipal Association) Zone 2 Chair expressed his disappointment in local provincial elected officials who allow this to happen in and around their ridings.

“What we should all be asking ourselves, is why do our rural MPPs including our Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs stand idly by while their government paves over the farmland they vowed to protect?” said McCabe.

McCabe adds around 300 acres of farmland is being lost everyday which could push the province to rely on food production outside of Ontario.

The decision from the province cannot be appealed.

A statement from McCabe on the move from the province can be found below.

“First off, this is NOT a good news story.  Yet again we see bureaucrats and politicians in Toronto at Queen’s Park paving over prime Farmland in Wellington County. This amount of Prime Farmland taken out of production, aside from the obvious, makes no sense in terms from an infrastructure point of view.  
Municipalities – not the Province – will have to service these developments.  The people that live here, the local planners and elected Council are the ones that truly understand the water and wastewater capacity that the Province doesn’t even take into account. How are we going to manage this literally at the grassroots level – there’s only some much water AND so much land.
Which brings me to another point that has been overlooked. The Ontario and Canadian Ag industry feed us and the world.  In Wellington we have some of the best prime Farmland, not only in this Province but in Canada.  So, by taken this land out of production we chisel away at our own ‘Grown in Ontario’ food security.

Remember the ‘good things grow in Ontario’ slogan?  This is getting taken away at approximately 300+ acres a day.  So when this land goes out of production, we come closer to relying on food production from outside of Ontario.

We are already on a slippery slope. There is complete disregard to the fact that land is finite. The short sightedness of this land grab is sadly not unique to our County and is unbelievable.

Has anyone thought about future generations and the succession of the family Farm? This govt says it’s on the side of Farmers – but this land grabbing across Ontario is unconscionable.

The thing is – and everyone knows this – this land will never come back.”