Home Ranch News Pride Flag to Fly Outside Municipal Building for the First Time

Pride Flag to Fly Outside Municipal Building for the First Time

Council also directing staff to looking to a location for a community based flagpole


For the first time in North Perth, a Pride flag will fly outside the municipal building in Listowel.

Council voted in favour of the decision 7-3 to have the flag fly during the month of June.

In a release, AJ Adams, President of Stratford-Perth Pride says even though a flag is just a piece of fabric, to many a Pride flag is an acknowledgment of the ability to love who you want, identify as who you are and live life authentically, out and proud.

Both Stratford-Perth and North Perth Pride will work with the municipality on the next steps to raise the flag as well as future work in making North Perth a welcoming and inclusive community.

During Monday’s council meeting, councilors such as Terry Seiler and Deputy Mayor Doug Kellum who voted against the motion made it clear, they are still very much in favour of flying the flag somewhere in the community.

“I am not against flying the flag but I think our municipal office place isn’t right the place to do it and we could open a can of worms to future flags so I think we should leave our municipal property as is.” said Seiler.

Council also voted in favour of a motion to direct staff for a report regarding a location for a community based flagpole which will be discussed at a future meeting.