Home Ranch News Perth County Planning Seeking Members to Join Official Plan Stakeholder Focus Group

Perth County Planning Seeking Members to Join Official Plan Stakeholder Focus Group

The members will help provide input on planning issues and draft Official Plan Policy. To apply you must be a resident of Perth County or part of an organization operating or serving the County.


In a release today Perth County advises that their New Official Plan is well underway and the Planning Department is seeking additional members to join the Stakeholder Focus Group. They will help provide input on planning issues and draft Official Plan Policy.

The call is open to anyone who feels that they are not represented by the current members of the Focus Group. The County says it is looking for a diverse and inclusive Group and seeks interest in membership from all age, sex, gender identity, race, ethnicity, abilities, religion, sexual orientation,  social status, education background or any other representation.

The current Focus Group includes members from these industries and communities:

  • Local Farmers
  • Local Businesses Owners (BIA, Chamber of Commerce)
  • Home builders
  • Active Transportation
  • Environmental interest
  • Community Service Club
  • Youth
  • United Way
  • Huron Perth Land Owners Association

To apply you must be a resident of Perth County or part of an organization operating or serving the County.

The time commitment is approximately 4 to 5 meetings totaling 8 to 10 hours in-person (with a virtual option). The focus group-style meetings will be held from late August to October 2022, but additional meetings may be called upon on an ad-hoc basis.

For more information and to apply you can visit the link below.
