Home Ranch News Perth County OPP see Rash of Stunt Driving Charges on Area Roads

Perth County OPP see Rash of Stunt Driving Charges on Area Roads

All the drivers were charged with stunt driving, with the last 2 drivers also charged with having cannabis readily available in the vehicle.


Perth County OPP have had a rash of drivers being charged with stunt driving in the span of 24 hours recently.

The first was on Perth Line 26 in Perth east with a 19 year old of London was found driving 176 km in an 80 zone.

The second and third occurred just before midnight on August 13th when a 29 year old Brampton driver on Line 34 in Perth East was found driving 134 km in an 80 zone and a 31-year old driver of Travistock on Perth Road 112 was found driving 138 km in an 80 zone.

All the drivers were charged with stunt driving, with the last 2 drivers also charged with having cannabis readily available in the vehicle.

Their vehicles were impounded for 2 weeks and their licenses were suspended for 30 days.