Home Ranch News Perth County Looking Into Joint Emergency Service Partnership

Perth County Looking Into Joint Emergency Service Partnership

All three counties could cost share on new equipment


Perth County is working alongside Oxford and Elgin counties on a joint emergency service deployment partnership.

Perth County received a report earlier last week on some recommendations on the agreement to commit to a new collaborative business model for delivering paramedic services in a post pandemic Ontario.

All three counties could also share costs for buying new equipment to boost each others local emergency services.

Todd MacDonald says there is one key thing for all three counties to keep in mind for EMS responses, population growth and age.

“There is also going to be a need to plan for population growth as well as what we call the aging tsunami. The demographics of our population where the lot of our demand comes from that population and that demand isn’t going away anytime soon.” said MacDonald.

The committee will take information presented in the report and move forward and continue discussion between Perth, Oxford and Elgin counties.