Home Ranch News Perth County Installing 44 New Speed Radar Signs

Perth County Installing 44 New Speed Radar Signs


Perth County is wasting no time in implementing speed radar signs across the area, approving the installation this year.

This will come with a cost of $308,000 with 44 signs being purchased.

While there was an idea previously to have the signs be implemented and purchased over a phased in approach some concerns were raised by councilors such as Jim Aitcheson and Matt Duncan over how with the phased in approach it could end up costing the county more.

Aitcheson made note of just how effective these speed radar signs are in the area.

“It does make a difference. There’s one just outside of my place and I’ll be looking out the window in the morning watching some news and you’ll see the break lights come on before the lights are flashing” said Aitcheson.

Signs will be installed in a series of areas across the county including Donegal, Molesworth, Millbank, St Pauls, Newton and Kurtzville.