Home Ranch News Perth County Farms to Stratford Tables Video Series Launches

Perth County Farms to Stratford Tables Video Series Launches

Video series features rich farm to table experiences in Stratford and Perth County


Destination Stratford, Perth County Tourism and RTO4 have all joined together to create a storytelling series with various professional videos.

The first of the series is titled “Perth County Farms to Stratford Tables.” which officially launched on Saturday and promises to entice visitors and residents to see the rich farm to table experiences in Stratford and Perth County.

Stratford and Perth County are known to rival large urban centres with their own art of cuisine, diversity, skilled chefs and fresh, local products largely in part to the proximity to local producers all year round.

The new video, features a stop at Listowel’s McIntosh Farms owned by Erin and Shawn McIntosh who provide pasteurized meat and eggs to Stratford and Perth County restaurants, retail shops and residents.

The videos are available for view on Destination Stratford and Perth County tourisms social media as well as Perth County’s YouTube channel.