Home Ranch News Perth County Budget Could See 7.65 Increase

Perth County Budget Could See 7.65 Increase


Inflation is dangling its head over the Perth County budget which is expected to impact an increase of 7.65 per cent.

Corey Bridges, the county’s Finance Manager and Treasurer says while as many efforts have been taken to prevent any increase and maintain service levels against inflation, it’s still becoming the main reason for the increased costs to affect the budget.

“A tax impact on a single family home valued at $263,000 which is 2016 values would see an increase of $54.97. Farmland average current value assessment of just under $1.5 million would see an increase of $77.98” said Bridges.

Capital projects are coming in at a total cost of $15.2 million with 39 major projects slotted for the year relating with roads, bridge rehabilitation and the courthouse elevator and campus renovation.