Home Ranch News Palmerston Agricultural Society Holding Classic Farm Show

Palmerston Agricultural Society Holding Classic Farm Show

Tri-County Machines and Memories Tour set for October 3rd


The Palmerston Agriculture Society is gearing up for their first Tri-County Machines and Memories Tour which will take place on Sunday October 3rd.

The Agriculture Society has reached out to over 15 local farmers to show off their classic farm equipment with spectators having 10 farm sites to visit across Wellington, Perth and Huron County.

The event is completely free to tour around and look at vintage machinery going as far back as the 1900’s.

The Tri-County Machines and Memories Tour will run October 3rd from 9am-4pm.

Details on the tour map can be found from PalmerstonFair.ca and on the Palmerston Agricultural Society Facebook page.