Home Ranch News Paddyfest releases schedule for 2023 Celebration

Paddyfest releases schedule for 2023 Celebration

Spanning one week & two weekends, and occurring during the March Break, they are again set to host entertaining & lively events for all ages, from music & dancing to food and games.


The organizers of Paddyfest, a town staple since 1977, which has been bringing locals of North Perth together to celebrate St. Patricks Day have announced the schedule of events for this years celebration.

Spanning one week and two weekends, and occurring during the elementary & highschool March Break, they are again set to host entertaining & lively events for all ages, from music & dancing to food and games.

Feb.10th           Wing Night & Early Bird Draw             5:30 to 10 pm             Kin Station, Listowel

Feb. 25th          Paddyfest Darts Tournament             11 am to 5 pm            Parkview Gardens

Mar. 1st           Pickleball Tournament                        6 to 9 pm                    NP Westfield

Mar.10-17th     March Break Day Camp                      9 am to 5pm               NP Westfield

Mar. 11th         Paddyfest Co-Ed Volleyball Tourney  9 am to 5pm               NP Westfield

Mar. 11th         Paddyfest Mixed Spiel                        9 am to 5pm               Listowel Curling Club

Mar. 11th         Men’s Paddyfest Pickelball                 11 am to 4:30 pm       Between the Lines

Mar. 11th         Women’s Paddyfest Pickelball           11 am to 4:30 pm       Between the Lines

Mar 11th          Weekend Eucre Tournament             11 am to 4pm             Kin Station, Listowel

Mar 11th          Yuk Yuk’s Dinner & Show                   6 to 11 pm                  Listowel Ag Society

Mar 11th          Charity Bingo for Cystic Fibrosis         7:30 pm to 1:45 am    Kin Station, Listowel

Mar 12th          Paddyfest Crokinole Double Tourney 11 am to 3:45 pm       Kin Station, Listowel

Mar. 14th         Paddyfest Mini Sticks Tournament    10 am to 3 pm

Mar. 15th         Weekday Euchre Tournament            6:30 to 10 pm

Mar. 16th         Paddyfest Trivia & Taps                      7 to 10 pm

Mar. 17th         Paddyfest Kids Dance                         2 to 4 pm                    Kin Station, Listowel

Mar. 17th         Friday Night Concert with Need an Elevator & Karli June

8 pm to 1 am              Steve Kerr Memorial


Mar. 18th         Paddyfest Parade                                11 am to noon            Downtown Listowel

Mar. 18th         Paddyfest Children’s Program            12:30 – 1:30 pm          Kin Station, Listowel

Mar. 18th         Meulseen Tire Homecoming              1 to 8 pm                    Steve Kerr Memorial


Mar.18th          Paddyfest Legion Day                         3:00 p m                      Parkview Gardens

Plead the Fifth                                    8pm to 1 am

Mar. 19th         Paddyfest Brunch                               10 am to 2 pm            Parkview Gardens


All funds from Paddyfest directly impact local community projects, non-profits, and charities.

For the latest event information visit the event website at the link below.
