Home Ranch News Our policy on publishing names in regards to Police News

Our policy on publishing names in regards to Police News

Policy with those charged innocent until proven guilty and speed of social media


The Ranch has a policy whereby we refrain from publishing names of named individuals provided in police reports.

As a rule of thumb any individual charged with a crime is innocent until proven guilty. So on the side of caution we only give the age, gender if provided and location of suspects named for a charged offence.

Additionally in the case of accidents, tragedies or other occurrences where a name will be given for a victim we also chose to withhold that information. We feel news and social media moves at a pace where news outlets on occasion can distribute information quicker than family or next-of-kin.

Our photography policy is the same. We do not publish user submitted photos in cases where an accident, fire or other event has resulted in injury or loss of life. We only publish photos supplied by the Police at the time of their issuing of a press release with confirmed facts of the case or event.