Home Ranch News OSSTF urges Ontario to consult sooner than later on school reopening

OSSTF urges Ontario to consult sooner than later on school reopening

Board only give 32 hours to offer input on plan to reopen


The Ontario Secondary Schools Teachers Federation is requesting that the Province to consult with medical experts and education stakeholders in consultation for a plan for the schools reopening this fall. The message was issued recently where the union said that schools must not only be a safe place, but also be sufficiently resourced to take the necessary steps to remediate the academic and social & emotional disruptions the students have suffered. The message came from Federation President Harvey Bischof.

The statement came after the Provincial Government had given healthcare and educational stake holders only 32 hours notice to respond to questions on re-opening that they say were better suited to be asked of medical and public health communities.

The OSSTF urges the Province to convene an advisory table with all education stakeholders present to address the health and safety needs of schools as they prepare for a possible fall reopening.