Home Ranch News OPP West Reminding Boaters to Ensure Vessel is in Good Shape

OPP West Reminding Boaters to Ensure Vessel is in Good Shape

OPP have responded to many calls of boaters in distress


With summer weather and hot and humid weekends many across the area are taking out their boats for a spin.

OPP West are reminding those when out on their boats to make sure the boats are in good shape and they have everything they need. OPP have responded to many calls from boaters in distress this summer.

Inspector Shawn Johnson reminds boaters some things they need to be carrying.

“There’s a number of things when you’re operating vessel you’re required to have by law. You need to have a whistle, an operating flashlight, you need a bail bucket.” said Johnson

Inspector Johnson adding the most important thing you need for all those in the boat are lifejackets.