Home Ranch News OPP Say Fatal Collisions Reaching High Point

OPP Say Fatal Collisions Reaching High Point


OPP are warning drivers to remain safe while out on the roads as they pull up numbers of a higher than usual deadly year on the road.

Since the start of the year, OPP have responded to 136 fatal collisions with 150 people being killed.

This is a rise from 103 fatal road collision s and 125 lives lost at the same time last year.

This continues from an already historic number of road fatalities in 2022 at 359 marking the highest its been in over 16 years.

June alone has been a deadly month which from June 1st-11th saw 15 fatal collision with 18 deaths.

Police say speeding, careless driving, driver inattention, impaired operation and lack of seat belt use continue to be issue of OPP patrolled roads.