Home Ranch News OPP remind people to think before posting things on Social Media

OPP remind people to think before posting things on Social Media

Advisory sent out after video & photos of multi-car crash on 401 shared before next of kin notified


The OPP are asking everyone to think before they post things to social media.

They are sending out this message after a six vehicle crash on the 401 earlier this month killed 2 people.

While on the scene police say they observed motorists using their cell phones to take pictures and video. One motorist even stated he was live streaming the collision scene.

All of this was done before police were able to confirm who was inside the vehicle and make arrangements to notify the next of kin.

“Death notification by social media is not right!,” said the OPP in a news release.

The public is being asked to think before they post.

OPP would like to remind drivers who use their cellphones for taking photos of a collision scene that they could be charged with distracted driving. The set fine is $490 which includes a victim surcharge and a court fee, along with 3 demerit points.