Home Ranch News OPP Partner with Huron County Library for Police Storytime

OPP Partner with Huron County Library for Police Storytime


Huron County OPP have partnered up with the Huron County Library holding a series of special events for children.

One stop in Wingham on August 21st will include OPP Constable Craig Soldan who will have a safety presentation but also be reading a story to kids who attend.

Kids are also welcome to ask questions about policing and weather permitting, will have a chance to look inside a police cruiser.

Soldan says this is among a few of the community involvement aspects they as officers are working towards.

“We’re really making an effort these days for more community engagement. Not only I do believe that’s important but we as a whole across the province are really trying to get out and do what use to be called “Community Policing” but you can call it community engagement or interacting with the public but for ages, from youth to the elderly.” said Soldan.

Registration is required by parents in order to attend with registration and more information available at the Huron County Library branch in Wingham.