Home Ranch News OPP offer advice on issue of Gift Card Fraud in Community

OPP offer advice on issue of Gift Card Fraud in Community

Recent victim received text advising of questionable activity on their credit card, received call from fake bank employee and told to purchase gift cards & get cash.


The Perth County OPP, through Constable Kim Lyon, advised residents on gift card or pre-paid credit card scams.

In the short video which follows a victim losing $5,000 to the scam.

They had received a message on their cell saying there was questionable activity on their credit card.

Moments later they received a phone call from a person disguising themselves as a bank employee.

Constable Lyons offers this advise to people who receive similar messages and calls.

“So anytime you get a phone call from an unknown number, or unknown caller, asking you to purchase gift cards etcetera please hang up immediately this is a scam.”

The full social media video is below.