Home Ranch News OPP Lay over 9000 charges Province Wide during Canada Road Safety Week

OPP Lay over 9000 charges Province Wide during Canada Road Safety Week

Officers responded to 932 collision of which 3 were fatal, and also charged 8020 drivers with speeding and 138 with stunt driving.


The Ontario Provincial Police announced last week that despite giving advance notice of the planned crackdown on aggressive, careless and other poor drivers they laid 9392 traffic charges during Canada Road Safety Week May 17th to 23.

Officers responded to 932 collision of which 3 were fatal and the majority were preventable. They also charged 8020 drivers with speeding and 138 with stunt driving.

Impaired drivers made up 216 of the charges, 217 for distracted and 151 for careless.

632 drivers and passengers were also charged with not wearing their seatbelts.