Home Ranch News Ontario Beekeepers Face Wide Colony Wipe Outs from Varroa Mites

Ontario Beekeepers Face Wide Colony Wipe Outs from Varroa Mites

Ontario Beekeeper Association President warns fruit growers could be in trouble due to lack of bees


Ontario beekeepers are turning to the province for help in rebuilding hives which have been ravaged by Varroa Mites.

Varroa Mites feed on a bee’s blood and protein reserves and are able to spread virus’ among bees and weaken their immune responses.

Some beekeepers have said up to 90 per cent of some of the province’s hive yards have been wiped out.

Bernie Wiehle, President of Ontario’s Beekeepers Association said fruit growers could also be in trouble as there will not be any bees to pollinate blossoms.

Dennis Schmidt, President of the Wellington County Beekeepers Association who holds between 20 and 30 colonies says all but one has been wiped out this year.

Further research is requested on the mites and honeybees with hopeful solutions to control the problem.

The University of Guelph’s Honey Bee Research Centre is also testing the use of essential oils and organic acid to help kill off the mites while not harming the honeybees.