Home Ranch News Online Mental Health First Aid Training Course Focuses on Agriculture

Online Mental Health First Aid Training Course Focuses on Agriculture

Sessions Jan. 31st and Feb. 1st are Initiative of the Listowel Agricultural Society made possible through the Trillium Mutual Insurance Roots Community Fund


The Listowel Agriculture Society has created an initiative focused on the mental health of those working in agriculture.

The Mental Health First Aid Training Course being run by Certified Trainer Shawna Percy of Life Voice Canada will be held virtually over two sessions; Monday, January 31st and Tuesday, February 1st from 9 am until noon each day.

The program will educate participants on recognizing the signs and symptoms of mental health problems, provide initial help and guide those in crisis to appropriate professional help.

The cost is just $50 per person which includes course materials.

For more information and to register you can email [email protected] or call 519-291-0644.

The deadline to apply is January 24th, 2021.