Home Ranch News OFA reminds area farmers to complete Census of Agriculture

OFA reminds area farmers to complete Census of Agriculture

Regional, Provincial and Federal government policy advisors use census data to make public policy decisions and more


The 2021 Census of Agriculture is now available for Canadian farmers to complete online. Statistics Canada runs the census and the OFA encourages all members to participate and contribute to provide insightful data into the Canadian agricultural industry.

The agriculture census is conducted every 5 years and covers topics such as land use, crops, livestock, agricultural labour, machinery and equipment, land management practices and more.

The census is a historical record on the agriculture industry in Canada to show trends.

Regional, Provincial and Federal government policy advisors use census data to make public policy decisions and to help develop programs and initiatives aimed at encouraging agricultural economic development.

Anyone involved with or knowledgeable about the day-to-day management decisions of your farming operation can complete the census.

The census is available at: https://census.gc.ca