Home Ranch News OFA Reminding Farmers of Road Safety During Planting Season

OFA Reminding Farmers of Road Safety During Planting Season

Road safety a large concern during the planting season


The Ontario Federation of Agriculture is reminding farmers and residents to ensure a safe and productive start to the season.

Farm equipment across the province is hitting roadways as planting season begins. Many farmers are spending time on the road during the spring, going long distances between fields.

Farm and road safety is a top priority for OFA. By following proper road safety procedures farmers and other motorists will stay safe. Farmers traveling on the road with large equipment is just part of business and regular day-to-day work.

Farmers are asked to talk to their team and check their vehicles and make sure they are all in good working order before heading out on the roads. Check to make sure brakes and lights are working. Farmers must ensure they have a slow moving vehicle sign on the back of their equipment. All farm equipment on the road, plus trucks towing farm implements cannot exceed 40km/hour.

Drivers must remember to only pass a slow moving vehicle when its safe to do so and not risk themselves, other drivers or a farmer to serious injury when attempting to pass.

All information on road safety during the season can be found on OFA.on.ca/roadsafety