Home Ranch News North Perth to increase enforcement in Municipal Parks

North Perth to increase enforcement in Municipal Parks

Remind residents no one allowed in parks between 10 pm and 6 am


Due to the increase in reported incidents at their municipal parks, including Listowel Memorial Park, North Perth with the support of the Perth County OPP, would like to make the public aware of current municipal by-laws and policies in place for our park spaces, as well as enhanced patrol and enforcement efforts.

As of April 26th the OPP has initiated extra patrols for Listowel Memorial Park. Municipal by-law enforcement officers and other staff hav ealso increased their presence in the park.

Through the patrols the OPP and by-law officers will be strictly enforcing the municipal by-laws and policies outlined below, as well as other laws. Fines will be issued when necessary.

Municipal Parks Curfew

There is a previously established curfew for municipal parks. In accordance with North Perth By-Law 120-2008 no person shall enter into or be in any municipal park between the hours of 10 pm and 6 am.

RZone Policy

The Municipality also previously implemented the Rzone Policy which applies to all municipal parks, facility, programs and trails. This policy identifies a code of conduct that applies to all previously mentioned locations. It enforces a set of expectations around violence, vandalism and inappropriate behaviour for participants and members of the public.

To report an RZone incident (litter, graffiti, broken equipment or glass etc.) contact the Municipality at 519-292-2054.