Home Ranch News North Perth Rzone ensures safe spaces for participants & public

North Perth Rzone ensures safe spaces for participants & public

Policy applies to all North Perth Parks, Facilities, Programs and Trails


Did you know that North Perth has an Rzone Policy in place in all area parks, facilities, programs and trails?

The Rzone Policy identifies a code of conduct that appliances to all of their initiatives. It enforces a set of expectations around violence, vandalism and inappropriate behaviour for participants and members of the public.

Key elements of the Rzone Policy are:

  • Be Nice. Violence, assault, abusive language and bullying are not tolerated
  • Keep parks & facilities clean. Do not litter. Put litter 7 waste in it’s place
  • Respect all municipal property, including equipment, buildings and nature areas
  • Report suspicious activity or property damage

Residents are asked to report criminal behaviour, property damage and violence immediately to the OPP Non-Emergency Line at 1-888-310-1122. If it is an emergency call 911.

To report an Rzone incident (litter, graffiti, broken equipment or glass etc.) contact the Municipality at 519-292-2054.

Fore more information on the Rzone policy visit the link below.
