Home Ranch News North Perth residents can get fit with Sonya Tuesday nights until end...

North Perth residents can get fit with Sonya Tuesday nights until end of March

2 weeks of classes remain in program. It's not too late!


North Perth residents who are looking to start their new years resolution a bit late to get in better shape have a great option at the Wallace Community Centre.

Sonya’s Fitness Bootcamp classes run on Tuesdays beginning at 6:30pm. Covid-19 safety guidelines are in place. Classes run until March 30th.

It is meant for all -ages and include exercises using your own weight, dumbells and some circuits.

Please bring mats and dumbells.

Pre-registration is required and class capacity is capped at 10 participants.

To participant you can e-mail Sonya at [email protected] or Kelly Broughton at [email protected] Cost is $10 per class.