Home Ranch News North Perth Mayor offers thoughts on the Region’s battle against Covid-19

North Perth Mayor offers thoughts on the Region’s battle against Covid-19

Video was initially distributed through Municipality's Facebook page


The Mayor of North Perth, Todd Kasenberg, posting a video on YouTube through the Municipality’s Facebook page.

In the video Mayor Kasenberg can be seen offering his thoughts on the status of the battle against Covid-19 in the Region.

He offers his support to those dealing with the grief in the community with the loss of their loved ones.

He then goes on to thank the various organizations that have played a part in supporting the community both from North Perth itself and from neighbouring communities who have come to the Municipality’s aid.

He closed the thanks in the video with thanks to the Huron Perth Health Unit.

He offers those struggling with the fallout mentally from the pandemic to try and be kind to fellow residents.

You can view the full video here: