Home Ranch News North Perth Looks Into Wallace One Way Trial Report

North Perth Looks Into Wallace One Way Trial Report

Council to receive another staff report and make decisions at a later meeting


North Perth council heard from Julia Salvini Monday night who broke down some data from the one way trial project on Wallace Aveune as well as the survey which saw 297 responses, mostly from those who use the intersection daily.

Councilors spent much time discussing the project from both the positives and negatives seen.

Julia Salvini says in terms of overall traffic, numbers are beginning to return to what they were prior to the pandemic.

“Is traffic back to pre-covid levels? It’s helpful to see data like this that shows us that traffic really is returning to what we call pre-covid levels now.” said Salvini

Salvini added in the survey 27% of respondents said the intersection worked better, 59% saying it operates worse with 69% adding their commute has increased from the intersection.

Salvini concluded saying the pilot was successful in its goal to reduce queues and improve the intersection for cars.

Council last night only accepted the report and the future of the one way on Wallace will be discussed at a later date.