Home Ranch News North Perth Looking to 2022 Budget

North Perth Looking to 2022 Budget

Alan Rothwell to serve as chair for the 2022 budget


While it might seem a bit early but North Perth council is already looking towards the 2022 budget.

Becky Belfour, Deputy-Treasurer says with the success of the virtual vision session for the public, they intend to continue with it for next year

“Last year we did a public information session which was completed virtually. It was very well received and with the unforeseen circumstances that’s the plan again for the 2022 budget process” said Belfour

Dave Johnston followed with what’s considered typical tradition and nominated Alan Rothwell to be Chair of the 2022 Budget Committee.

Rothwell served as vice chair in the last budget and accepted the role.

Lee Anne Adriessen was elected as Vice Chair for the 2022 budget.